Saturday, May 15, 2010

YOU are good enough, probably too good to send me a list!

I have had several people tell me they they love the blog but don't have a list for me. I know that you do. If we are going to make this blog world famous and me a millionaire I need your help! The internet is going to get real tired of my lists day after day! So I up and stole this list from my friend Sarahs' blog cause she is an awesome mom and even awesome moms have days like this list.
Things I Did Not Do Today

1. I did not have clean socks for my son to wear to school today (I will leave the results up to your imagination)
2. I did not get in the shower before noon.
3. I did not watch while my children ate breakfast in front of the tv.
4. I did not get the laundry folded, again.
5. I did not get any of the girl’s hair brushed and done up cute.
6. I did not get the lawn mowed (which I blame wholly on the rain)
7. I did not manage to go for 24 hours without facebook, again…
8. I did not get the car vacuumed, and the kids are starting to wonder what that smell is…
9. I did not take the kids to Disneyland today(and am reminded constantly of this by said kids)
10.I did not make it through the day without a good amount of my caffeinated beverage of choice, but then, I wasn’t really trying either.
11.I did not get the blinds dusted, and the little one has started drawing pictures on them.
12.I did not have the guts to post this list on the blog that I intended it for, which shows that at almost thirty we can still be a little too concerned about what people think of us!
p.s. Sarah has four darling well behaved Children, just a FYI.


  1. Love this list. Heaven knows that there are lots of days when I am lucky to get my own self out the door in time for all the things I'm supposed to do . . . and the rest of it, I just wing it. Sigh. Well, there you have it. Maybe "to do" lists should be more like this:

    1. Eat breakfast, whenever. Chocolate doughnuts count.
    2. Stare out the window.
    3. Catch up on reruns of Law and Order: WVYLB (whichever version you like best).
    4. Eat lunch.
    5. Engage in technological enrichment (facebook)
    6. eat dinner (leftovers from the weekend are fine)
    7. Catch up on important TiVo events
    8. improve dental hygiene
    9. sleep the sleep of the blessed in a never-made bed.

    and so forth. I could totally check the items off *that* list.

  2. (p.s. Did you see how I put a list in your comments? You're welcome.)

  3. I like that list an awful lot, I feel like we all might feel a little better about ourselves with lists like that.

  4. Hey there! I sent you an awesome list like 4 or 5 days ago and it never got posted. Is there some kind of criteria like it has to be about kids or housework, etc.?

  5. Everyday I could write a list of stuff I didn't do. Every day. Curtis... I am waiting to see this list. I'll bet it is awesome, like "10 reasons why I love Sophia!" or "10 greatest Jazz players of all time!"
